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See How Our Camdenton Insurance Agency Supported Citizens Against Domestic Violence

By November 5, 2015June 9th, 2020Community

CADV Brunch Fall

On October 21, 2015, the Citizens Against Domestic Violence (CADV) held their 14th annual brunch at The Lodge of Four Seasons Campana Hall. This year, members from McGrath Insurance Group were in attendance to learn about the tremendous work this organization does for victims of domestic violence.

About the CADV Brunch

Melissa Kupfer and Amy Linton from the McGrath Insurance Group office attended the CADV brunch along with several agency clients. This year’s theme was “Favorite Musical or Play.”

The event featured a buffet from some of the top Lake-area restaurants. The mission of the event was to educate the public about the work done by CADV and raise money to continue their efforts. Every contribution made went directly back into helping domestic violence victims in Miller, Morgan and Camden counties.

This year, the brunch featured two victims who had been helped by the shelter as guest speakers. “Their stories were amazing… during horrible/heartbreaking times, they were able to seek help from the organization and in turn share their stories to help others,” according to Melissa Kupfer. “It’s shocking how much they do for those in need.”

How You Can Support CADV

CADV has a 28-bed shelter in Camdenton that serves as a respite for victims of domestic violence. Here, men, women and children can get around-the-clock support in escaping a dangerous situation. While at the center, they receive free and confidential services, such as hospital advocacy, court advocacy, transportation and child care.

The organization started in 1985 by a small group of concerned citizens. It has since grown to become a cornerstone of victim services. There is an active Board of Directors who oversees the facility. Each of these people has had experience with family violence, including two Chiefs of Police who serve as members. There are also many volunteers who play an active role in helping victims.

If you would like to help CADV, click here to learn more about how to volunteer or donate.