It’s no secret — Living a healthier lifestyle is the key to increasing your chances of living a long life. While we’ve been told this for most of our lives, knowing how to stay active and healthy at all ages isn’t quite as easy.
As we enter the summer season, here are three tips you can use to get outdoors more often and boost your health.
Use the Preventative Services Available to You
Many health insurance plans offer preventative services, such as shots or screenings to keep you in good health. Taking advantage of these services allows you to be proactive with your healthcare. If there is an underlying issue, your doctor may be able to spot it before you do, increasing the likelihood of getting minimally invasive or uncomfortable treatment.
Check your plan and your plan’s network to see what’s included for you. Many health insurance plans offer these screenings at no cost.
Talk to Your Doctor About Exercise
Staying active is a great way to stay healthy, but the wrong types of activities can expose you to an increased risk of injury or illness. Talk to your doctor about the activities that will give you the best fitness without putting you in danger of getting hurt.
No matter what kind of activity you choose, regular exercise will keep your heart pumping and your brain active. From gardening and walking to racquetball or tennis with friends, you have many ways to treat your body right this summer.
Make Healthy Swaps for Summer
Warmer weather opens the door to parties and sugary treats to cool down. Before you reach for a sweet treat that might taste good at the moment, try thinking of other healthy options you could swap out instead. For example, instead of grabbing a soda from the fridge, try infusing water with fruit for a tasty drink.
While monitoring your nutrition, it’s also a good idea to look at how much you’re consuming. Small amounts of sugar won’t harm you, but large portions of unhealthy foods can quickly hurt your health. Be aware of what you’re putting into your body to stay healthier this year.
Be Proactive About Your Health
Health insurance is good, but to maximize your health, there are proactive measures you should take. From preventative care to healthy eating and activities, you can live a healthier lifestyle and feel better overall.
If you have questions about your health insurance, contact us, and we will be happy to help you get the preventative care you need.