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A New Fundraiser is in Store at Our Local Insurance Agency

By October 29, 2018June 9th, 2020Community

If you notice a McGrath Insurance Group employee wearing jeans one Friday, here’s why.

Our local insurance agency is proudly starting a new initiative called $5 Jeans for Charity. Although wearing jeans is comfortable, the purpose of this initiative is to encourage people to opt for casual attire as a means of raising money for a local charity.

How it Works

McGrath Insurance Group is corporate casual work environment, which means wearing jeans isn’t a common practice at our office. Instead, we decided to beef up the casual Fridays policy by allowing our team members to wear jeans as long as they pay $5. This $5 will go into a pot of money, which will be then be given to a charity of our choice at the end of each month.

This fundraiser is meant to provide a fun way of giving back to the community where we live and work. The first charity of choice — Shop with a Cop.

Shop With a Cop

The first charity recipient of our $5 Jeans for Charity pool is Shop with a Cop. This charity was an easy choice for us because McGrath Insurance Group already supports the cause. As employees, we are able to add to the amount already given by our organization.

Shop with a Cop is a fun event for kids in the Camden County community. Local schools aid in finding kids in need to shop together with a cop during the holiday season. Once the charity has confirmed the final list of kids, the families are notified and will meet at Walmart on December 1st. At 8:00 a.m., the kids and their families are let into the store and only leaves once they are done shopping.

Donations from McGrath Insurance Group, our $5 Jeans for Charity fundraiser, and other community members will help support the children in their shopping efforts. The organization is asking for donations to help as many children as possible this holiday season.

If you would like to assist us in helping Shop with a Cop, you can make a donation by mailing a check or dropping it off at the Camden County Sheriff’s Office. Mark all checks and donations with “Attn: Shop With a Cop.” Checks should be made out to Camden County Sheriff’s Employee’s Association. For more information, contact Captain Twitchel at

What’s Next?

This fundraiser is just the first of many for us through our $5 Jeans for Charity program. In November, and potentially also the first 2 Fridays in December, we are donating our money to adopt a family with two children from the Camden County Child Advocacy Council (CCCAC). This donation will be on top of the donation McGrath Insurance Group is already making to CCCAC.

Will you support us in helping these worthy local organizations? Or, do you have a suggestion of a local organization that can benefit from our $5 Jeans for Charity fundraiser? Let us know!

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