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How to be Prepared for Spring Storms


Spring Storms: The Good and Bad News

Almost anywhere in the United States, you’ll find spring storms that range from light sprinkles to river-like floods. That being the case, there are certainly some parts of America that get hit worse than others, with damage that can be extensive and expensive to fix.

While most homeowners insurance policies cover damages associated with wind, hail and light water damage (caused by falling water or wind-driven rain), none cover more extensive damages caused by flooding. If you live in an area that’s prone to flooding (or suspect that floods may happen in the near future), you’ll want to expand your coverage.

The average claim for flood damages is over $7000. With average insurance premiums related to additional flood protection insurance running policyholders on average significantly less, protecting yourself seems to be a no-brainer.

It’s a great idea to protect yourself and your home from a financial standpoint, but there are several additional ways to be prepared for spring storms before they happen:

Maintain the outside of your home

If the best defense is a good offence, protecting yourself from spring storms damage starts with identifying (and fixing) problems with your home’s roof and siding. It’s an easy way to make sure that water doesn’t make it’s way into your home unless storms are extremely bad.

While you’re already outside doing inspections, make sure to check your gutters for clogs or looseness where they’re attached. It’s also a good idea to ensure that downspouts aren’t positioned towards your home’s foundation as a first line of defense against basement flooding.

Maintain your yard

There are two easy ways to clean up your yard to protect your home from spring storm damage:

  • Replace rock or gravel with shredded mulch – it will cause less wind damage if blown around
  • Prune or get rid of trees and shrubs that are close to your home and might cause damage in a storm

Secure your furniture

Don’t let damage happen from your own furniture during spring storms! If you suspect a storm is about to happen, take the time to move outside furniture into a garage or other indoor storage space. In case of sever weather like a tornado, make sure that top-heavy furniture inside is secured to the wall.

Check your sump pump

Finally, make sure your sump pump is operational and has a battery operated backup if your neighborhood is prone to storms and flooding, or power outages are likely.

Looking for homeowners insurance? Want to learn more about flood protection? Get an insurance quote, or if you’d rather talk to someone? Call 573.346.7224.

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