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How to Guard Your Medicare Card

By May 3, 2022Insurance

When you’re first issued your Medicare card, there’s a lot to think about. Your head might be spinning with questions about the type of Medicare coverage you receive and which providers you can see. One common question that arises is how to guard your Medicare card.

When you sign up for Medicare, you’re issued a Medicare card. Your coverage plan, the date your coverage began, and a Medicare number are on that card. Your Medicare number is unique to your identity, so it’s important to keep it as safe as you do your Social Security number or credit card number.

Protecting Your Personal Information on Your Medicare Card

When you receive your Medicare card, it’s good to take proactive steps to keep it guarded against theft. Here are a few ways we suggest doing so.

Limit who gets your Medicare card. Only your doctors or insurance provider should ever ask for your Medicare card. If someone asks to see your Medicare card and they are not associated with your medical treatment in any way, avoid handing it to them.

Make a photocopy. Rather than carrying around your Medicare card itself, it’s wise to have a photocopy in your wallet instead. This will ensure that your doctor or medical provider can quickly access the information without risking you losing the original copy of your Medicare card.

Do You Need to Carry Your Medicare Card?

Your doctors and other medical facilities will need to see your Medicare card when you go to an appointment. Even if you’ve given your Medicare card to the medical facility in the past, it’s still a good idea to have it with you on each visit.

If you forget your Medicare card and don’t know your number, your provider may be able to look it up online. Still, it’s best to have the photocopy or original card with you to save you time and frustration.

Should You Laminate Your Medicare Card?

Medicare cards are not solid like credit cards or loyalty cards. Instead, they’re printed on paper with security features embedded inside them. Because this material can feel flimsy to the touch, it can make many people tempted to laminate the card.

We, and the Social Security Administration, advise against laminating your Medicare card because it can stop the detection of those security features. Instead, we suggest carrying your Medicare card in a protective sleeve where you can remove or insert the card with ease when necessary.

Get Familiar With What Your Medicare Card Means

There’s a lot to think about when it comes to Medicare. How you keep your card safe is only one of those elements.

At McGrath Insurance Group, we’re available to answer any questions about your Medicare coverage and benefits. Reach out to schedule an appointment with us today if you would like a no-obligation review of your coverage. We will work with you to help you get the most out of what’s available for your care.

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