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Race Recap: Looking Back on the Summer Night GLOW 5K Race

By June 19, 2019June 9th, 2020Community

McGrath Insurance Group is proud to announce our part in another successful Children’s Learning Center GLOW night. We were able to donate $300 to the GLOW run—one of our area’s oldest, biggest and most family-friendly 5K’s.

All of the teams and participants came together for a singular purpose: to help children with special needs and developmental delays in the Lake Area.

The Festivities

Race night, and we all donned our glow bracelets and necklaces to join the crowd of runners and walkers. At 8 p.m., the race kicked off and we took to the course to walk/run in support of this worthy program.


Not only was the race fun but it was also a huge success. We appreciated the opportunity to give back to the CLC after they have done so much to benefit so many families in the Ozark region, including our own.

The event had 212 registrants, with 158 people crossing the finish line. In total, according to CLC, the event raised $10,174.14! Over 15 teams participated, and had a friendly competition for first place, “Biggest Team” award. Our team, “Special Agent Glo Rida” was at the top of the list with 18 people on our team!

We’re honored to be a part of such a wonderful community where people and businesses work together for the greater good!

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